Tuesday, April 25, 2006

You Know You Have To Many Relatives When...

Many of Pauls relatives live out of state, including his brother and 2 of his sisters. Aidan received a birthday package in the mail yesterday from his Aunt Maureen and Uncle Phil. As he was opening it, I explained to him who it was from. When Daddy came home from work, Aidan excitedly showed him the contents. The following conversation erupted.

Aidan: (to daddy) "It is from Aunt Maureen and Uncle Jeff."
Mommy: "You mean, Uncle Phil."
Aidan: "Yes, Uncle Phil and Aunt Amy."
Mommy: "Aunt Amy is married to Uncle John. Aunt Maureen is going to marry Uncle Phil."
Aidan: (exasperated) "I love Uncle Randy and Aunt Denise."

Poor guy, with the addition of 1 aunt and 2 uncles in the past 2 years (we've had alot of weddings recently!!), I guess he just gets confused when they are not here to put a face with a name. Now, we are even more excited to see them for the wedding, in May!!

Are these people really my relatives?!