Since yesterdays post was so pathetic, I've decided to make up for it today. As part of a blog "chain letter" if you will, many of my blog friends created a list of "100 things about me." I started it a while ago, but couldn't finish it. It is NOT easy to come up with 100 things. So, I've decided to complete a list of "50 things about me." Perhaps someday, I will come up with the other 50, but for now I'm content with the 50.
50 Things About Me1. I like to eat jelly on my french toast.
2. I got married when I was 20 years old. I’m still married to him.
3. I have at least 28 relatives (aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents) that live within 15 minutes of me.
4. I have worked at the same company for 11 years.
5. I despise the words “panty” and “hanky panky.”
6. Neither of my grandmothers are still alive, but my great-grandmother is. She lives within 15 minutes of me. (See # 3.)
7. I am a perfectionist. It often prevents me from making decisions.
8. My high school years were not my best years. I hated high school.
9. I survived 13 years of catholic school, including kindergarten.
10. I regret that my labor story is not a positive one. I had definite ideas of how the labor would go….that was my first mistake. The second was accepting demerol as a pain reliever.
11. My husband was my rock through my labor. I would have never NEVER made it without him.
12. I love when my husband and I talk about growing old together. We talk about our 75th wedding anniversary….when we’re both 90-something.
13. If I could go anyplace in the world….I would choose HOME!
14. The open end of my pillowcase has to be facing the inside of the bed when I sleep.
15. I am obssesive about certain things.
16. No one loves their box more than me. I don’t like change.
17. I don’t like to go to the movies because I don’t like to sit in the dark with strangers. I also have a hard time sitting for that period of time doing nothing.
18. I like lists. I need a list for the grocery store. I usually have a list when placing a carry out order….even if it is for 2 items. It has to be written down. I always have a To Do list at work or when doing chores. I find creating this list very theraputic.
19. My mom wanted to name me Pollyanna when I was born. My dad said it sounded like a disease. My dad wanted to name me Michelle. My middle name is Michelle. I have no idea where Jennifer came from/
20. I hated sleepovers when I was younger…..I still do.
21. My maternal grandmother lived next door to me until she passed away. After that, my maternal great grandmother moved in next door.
22. I grew up in the house that my mom grew up in. My parents still live in that house.
23. I never finished college. I came home my sophomore year for Thanksgiving and never when back. I don’t regret that decision.
24. I played basketball in 8th grade. I told the coach I wanted to join the team and just practice with them. I didn’t really want to play any games. I don’t like competition. He made me play in a few games. I still don’t like competition.
25. I played hockey in 4th grade. I liked the skating part of it. I should have tried figure skating instead. That probably wouldn’t have worked out either as I hated dresses and toe-picks. I love to watch figure skating on TV.
26. I feel incredibly blessed in my life.
27. My roommate in college was a lesbian. She was an awesome roommate!
28. I have found that coming up with 50 things about me is hard.
29. The name of my best childhood friend was a red head named David. We called him Rusty. I am still in contact with Rusty today.
30. My dad says he wasn’t around a lot when I was a child. He worked a lot of hours so my mom could stay home with my sister and I. He tells m now that he is sad about not being around. When I think back to my childhood he is in all of my memories. He must have been there for all of the important things because my memories do not include an absent father.
31. I prefer blue pens over black.
32. My favorite TV show is 7th Heaven
33. At one time, my husband and I had a pet rabbit. We let her out of the cage to roam the house. She actually got along with our dog…..a chocolate lab.
34. I am afraid of boats.
35. I thought I would have trouble living in a new house after I was married because I don’t like to stay away from home (See #20). I always feel like I am at home in my married life.
36. I used to think that Parson Brown was a color. Why would anyone wish for a brown snowman?
37. My body does not absorb vitamin B12. I have to take B12 injections, monthly, for the rest of my life.
38. I have suffered from migraines since the 3rd grade.
39. I did not have a single migraine during my pregnancy.
40. I only had one boyfriend ever. I married him!!!
41. I have never smoked a cigarette or experimented with drugs.
42. I am currently on a seizure medication….for my migraines.
43. I love being a wife and mom more than anything in the world.
44. I am Catholic.
45. When I was young and fantasized about having children, I always thought I would have a girl…. I Love having a son.
46. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.
47. I love to cook/bake. I love watching cooking shows. I’ve met and received an autograph from Emeril Lagasse.
48. When I was first married, I couldn’t cook AT ALL.
49. I’ve never had stitches.
50. I love to host parties/gatherings!!