This year is no different. It is December 2nd and my cards are out, my house is decorated and my shopping is done AND my gifts are wrapped. I am thrilled to say the least! However, this year seems different. This year seems more peaceful. I've thought about it alot over the last couple of days and I think it is because I am simply doing what I told myself I was going to do. I am claiming this holiday/Advent season as my own.
Last year, at this time, Paul was remodeling our kitchen. We still decorated and celebrated Christmas, but it just wasn't the same. It was a vastly toned down version. Aidan and I did most of the celebrating on our own and Paul was absent from alot of things. This year, we are making up for it by truly enjoying everything about the Christmas season. In fact, we could open our own shop at this moment based solely on one of these joys....the Christmas cookie!

Our house is filled to the brim with Christmas cookies. We spent the day baking cookies and constructing a gingerbread house. It was a complete joy and even more of a joy now that we are eating the loot!! We made 3 different kinds of cookies and built our first gingerbread house.

In the evening, we enjoyed "Frosty the Snowman" on television. It was a truly relaxing day and an example of what I promised myself this season would bring to our family!