The truth is, my life just isn't that interesting....and I like it that way. Since the last time I updated this blog a little over a month ago, not much has really happened. We had a fabulous Christmas and a wonderful New Year. We are still trudging through the kindergarten year. Aidan is playing winter indoor football. As much as I say our life isn't that interesting, it sure manages to keep us busy.
Santa brought Paul the Nintendo Wii for Christmas and we have all been enjoying it. We recently picked up Madden Football '08 and Paul and Aidan are really getting into it. I refuse! I can handle bowling, tennis and even golf but I draw the line at football. I don't understand the sport in real life and I'm not gonna even try to bother understanding it in video game form. Needless to say, I find myself watching way to much TV. I'm not sure why, however, because TV is really bland right now considering the writer's strike. So, I've been doing alot of thinking. And, as usual, my thinking typically turns to scrapbooking.
I've been really bummed out about scrapbooking lately. I have not been very motivated at all. I've gone through periods of this before, but this is the worst it's ever been. The last several times that I've scrapbooked with my cousin, I really haven't scrapbooked at all. I use the excuse that I enjoy spending time with her new baby. And while there is alot of truth in this (I mean who can resist those chubby little cheeks!), it isn't the whole truth. The truth is, my pages are all starting to look the same. I am completely disorganized and am so far behind. I have great ideas in my head and when I sit down to scrapbook, my thoughts get so jumbled and my pages turn out a mess. So, in an effort to be the completely supportive husband that he is, Paul declared this the year to reclaim my scrapbook room (and our basement, but I'll leave that for another blog entry).
You see, when Aidan was old enough to move to his big boy bed a couple of years ago we moved him into the bigger bedroom and I took his nursery over as my scrapbook room (and it is still decorated as it was for the nursery, but it is nothing a little paint can't fix). While it was somewhat functional at the time, it has since turned into the local dump and has become a catch-all for, well....everything. Paul was determined to get my scrapbooking room back, as well as get rid of all of the clutter and crap that has piled up in that room. And now that I think about it, it is probably the latter that was his motivation, but I'll take it. So, this weekend, we purchased a bunch of organizing cubes and a nifty new craft desk and Paul went to work putting everything together. Bless his heart, he stayed up until midnight assembling everything on Sunday night, so that I could start organizing on Monday. I had Monday off of work for Martin Luther King Jr. day, so it was as good a time as any to get started. I sorted and cleaned and organized and threw out so much stuff that I didn't know if I would ever see an end to the daunting task. I have so much stuff that I even talked myself into creating a sort pile of stuff to sell on ebay. (yet another blog entry, I'm sure).
In the end, I got my scrapbook room back and am now more motivated than ever to start scrapbooking again! I LOVE my new space!! I am so thrilled that my tools are organized.
The organizational cubes are VERY cool! There are some with 4 smaller drawers for ribbons, 
brads, eyelets, embellishments, etc. There are some with 3 drawers for misc. tools. And there are a couple with shelves for paper, albums, idea books and so on. They even have a slot on the front to label what is in each drawer!! Now, I just have to start printing off my pictures. Luckily, my digital camara software has already organized those, so all I have to do is print them. I am SO THRILLED!!!!!!!