I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. We sure had a great time. It was hard to get back in the groove of work and school this morning.
On the 4th of July, we celebrated with my dads family by playing our version of the reality television show, Survivor. We called it Survivor-Family....clever, huh?
The day started with a potluck BBQ and then the challenges began. We had 5 teams of 4, involved in 10 different challenges. It was an awesome time and a great way to spend the holiday with family. Everyone was laughing and having a wonderful time. My mom even made buffs that said, "Got Family?" on them. I'm gonna need another scrapbook weekend for this event!!

Paul, winning the "Run For Your Life" challenge, for the yellow team!

Aidan, refilling his water gun, to squirt the contestants during challenges.

The whole gang!