Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Box

Paul and I were really happy to see the package on our front porch when we arrived home from work. Paul's brother, John, sent us a new (his old) computer. Aidan was excited with the content, as well. However, his excitment was with.....THE BOX and THE FOAM PEANUTS!!!!

Thank you, John, for the computer and the wonderful, boy-sized box!!


Anonymous said...

Next time Phil and I are in town, we're going to be sure to have a big box of peanuts handy, just in case we (mainly Phil) needs some down time :) Aidan looks so happy to be in that box of packing peanuts.

Anonymous said...

Funny, she seems to think I would prefer not to play in a box as well! How little she knows me.
Great pictures of Aidan, by-the-way.
Makes me wish I were still that small...