Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Homework Update

After school was a little hectic today. Aidan was scheduled for a dentist appointment and I knew they were going to give him a flouride treatment. I also knew that he wasn't going to be able to eat for about an hour after that, so he had to eat right after school. This was fine with him because he is typically STARVING after school. So, we ate dinner and went to the dentist (no cavities, YAY!) Today being Tuesday, it was also homework day. When we arrived home from the dentist, I asked Aidan who he wanted to help him with his homework and guess what? He picked me! I was so thrilled, not because I wanted to do the homework, but because I knew that I was not stressing him out as much as I feared. My prayers have been answered!

1 comment:

Trista said...

I'm SO glad you are working through this, and that Aidan isn't even noticing your "issues". Way to go!