Monday, December 17, 2007
Dreaming No Longer Necessary
Thursday, November 29, 2007
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
As you all probably know, ABC played "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" last night on television. At the start of the show Aidan got off of the couch and went wild dancing and just cracked us up. The video is not that great because it was taken with Paul's cell phone, but you'll get the idea.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Preparing My Heart
This week I find myself holding on to the Thanksgiving holiday and gaining excitement for the upcoming Christmas season. I am making a promise to myself to prepare my heart for the advent season. I am cherishing this moment of silence and am thinking about the many things I have to be thankful for.
May you be truly full of thanksgiving...I know I am. In a kinda stream of consciousness sort of way.
For my hubby,
my child,
my extended family,
my neighborhood,
my parish,
for education,
the school my child attends,
and all of his teachers,
our work,
our recreation,
our dog,
our home,
our cars,
our favorite books,
our plants,
oil in the burner,
gas in the tanks,
food in the pantry,
our porch,
our friends,
Aidan’s sports teams,
the warm clothes on our backs,
the memories of sweet vacations,
the changing seasons,
decent wine,
decadent desserts,
good beans to grind for my coffee,
talk radio,
meaningful music,
a nearby parking space when it's raining,
finding money in a pocket,
a handwritten letter in the mail,
reading a good book,
finishing a task,
breathing easier after a check-up,
for blog comments,
a compliment,
unexpected surprises,
for fast shipping,
for free shipping,
dark chocolate,
ok, chocolate raspberry anything,
fires in the fireplace,
dinner on the grill,
birds at the feeder,
company on long drives,
a clean room,
a down comforter,
losing a few pounds,
lifting someone's spirits,
walking outside,
for Advil, and allergy drugs,
for doctors on call,
for quick recoveries,
for safe travel,
for forgiveness and second chances,
for gifts given and those received,
for police and fire and EMS personnel who work on holidays,
for our faithful military,
for our constitutional freedoms,
for the chance to try again,
for answered prayers,
for Jesus, Mary, the saints, the Church, the Sacraments.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Moving Along
Now that our Christmas decorations are up, I am so ready for the advent season. I have already started on a good note. Typically, I make it a point to get our Christmas cards out the day after Thanksgiving. Needless to say, I haven't even decided on or taken a picture for the card yet. And you know what? I"m not worried. I plan to fully embrace this advent season. I'm focusing on my time with Paul and Aidan. I don't want each and every night to be filled with a laundry list of things that need to get done in order to make the holiday a success. Afterall, there will always be things that need to be done. And they will get done.....eventually. And if they don't, our Christmas will be fabulous anyway.
Aidan is in the shower right now, which is why I am taking a second to update this blog. As soon as he is out, we'll be reading the next chapter of "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" that we started last night. In fact, I think I just heard the shower turn off, so I must go now.
I just thought I'd do a quick update to let everyone know we are still here and that I haven't forgotten (totally) about this blog.
Until next time.....
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Playing Catch Up
Friday, October 19, 2007
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Please Be Advised....
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Lil' MVP
Friday, October 05, 2007
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Are you ready for some football?!
In the above picture, Aidan is wearing the yellow pants and has the ball. Run, baby, run!
Homework Update
Friday, September 28, 2007
Photo Friday
This was also the first week that he had homework. We were told at kindergarten orientation that once homework began, it would be sent home every Tuesday and Thursday. I thought this was fabulous. First of all, it was only 2 nights a week and second, we could plan around homework nights.
Last week, Paul was out of town on business and I was really nervous because I thought it would be the week that homework started. I was fretting about having to deal with the homework alone. I have "issues" with anything school related and that includes homework. I couldn't even imagine having to deal with the anxiety that homework brought. For me, it is really about the anxiety, not about the homework itself. I mean, come on, how hard can kindergarten homework really be? So, you can imagine the sigh of relief that came from our home when I frantically rifled through the yellow folder last Tuesday only to realize that I had been saved! No homework. I was safe for another week. Most of all, I was safe. Paul would be home next week and I had every intention of letting him handle the homework demons.
This Tuesday, I opened the folder and saw the homework page. I knew it was coming because on Friday, the teacher sent home a note telling us that this week started homework. I can hear my friend Trista saying, "you have got to get over your issues with school." I know she is right and I have tried really hard not to project any of my feelings on to Aidan when it comes to school. I had planned Aidan's favorite dinner Tuesday night to celebrate the first day of homework. I pulled the homework out of the folder and asked Aidan if he wanted to do the homework now or after dnner. I thought it would put a positive spin on it if I made it his choice. After we went round and round about homework, Aidan ended up in his room crying and I was slamming pots and pans around while trying to finish dinner. But, no matter how hard I thought I was trying, I obviously failed. I'm not even sure how we ended up in the argument about homework, but, we did. So, after I calmed down, I went to his room to find him hiding in the closet. I asked him why he was so upset and he said that he didn't think it was fair that he had to do homework when daddy never had to do any homework. Deep down, I felt sorry for him, but I calmly rationalized with him. Luckily, I had read a post by my friend, Josie, about a school related discussion she recently had with her daughter and used the same story with Aidan. Thank you Josie, for your calm, rational...wait, is that the same Josie I used to work with (just kidding)?!? Anyway, we marched right into the kitchen and finished the homework in about 10 minutes. We also got through Thursday evenings homework without fail. Although, I did leave that day for Paul to handle. Needless to say, I feel so much better that the first homework assignments are behind us and we stopped for a slurpee on the way home today, to celebrate....again!!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Charles, this one's for you!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Sunday, September 09, 2007
You Know You've Made The Right Decision When...
Aidan: "Mom, I love you. You're the best mom ever."
Jenny: "Thanks, Aidan. Why do you think I'm the best mom ever?"
Aidan: "Because you let me go to [insert name here] school and I really love it there."
Jenny: "I'm so glad you like your new school. Daddy and I think you're going to do really well and we are so proud of you."
I was a little worried about Aidan starting kindergarten because his preschool teacher told us that she didn't think he was ready for full day kindergarten because he couldn't sit still. However, he seems to have adjusted just fine and this seems to be the perfect fit for him. I think the routine and structure is exactly what he needed.
We are so blessed to have been welcomed into this school/church community. As I write this post, I can't help but think of my favorite prayer. I have it hanging in our home, as well as at my office and look to it often:
"May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let his presence settle into our bones, and allow your souls the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of you."
Friday, September 07, 2007
Photo Friday
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
What Did You Do Today?
At the end of the day,
There's a question I ask
As he scurrys to play.
"Tell me, what did you do in school today?"
"Nothing. I did nothing today!"
Perhaps nothing means that he played with blocks,
Tied his own shoes, or found beautiful rocks.
Maybe the monarchs hatched today,
Or mabye he found a new friend to play.
Maybe today was the very first time
His scissors followed a very stright line,
He learned a new song, and sang all the words,
Or he touched a feather from the strangest of birds.
When you're five and your heart has wings,
"Nothing" can mean some wonderful things!
First Day of School
Friday, August 31, 2007
Don't Blink
Last night, as we were getting ready for bed, I was telling Aidan that I hoped he would have a great day at school tomorrow because it would be the last time he saw this set of teachers and alot of his friends until summer camp next year. He got this really serious look on his face and said to me, "Mom, I don't think I'm ready for kindergarten yet." At this point, I wasn't convinced that he was really concerned. I thought maybe he was using this as a stall tactic for going to bed. I explained that after his last day tomorrow, we would go for a bike ride in the Metro Park and go for ice cream to celebrate his last day of preschool. Then, I gently reminded him that he would have 4 days off to get ready for kindergarten and I was sure that he would be ready by next Wednesday.
However, after he fell asleep, I began thinking. Was I ready for this? I mean, I've been preparing myself all summer but this was it. We are in the final days of preschool. As I watched him sleep so peacefully, I was reminded of the new Kenny Chesney song, "Don't Blink".
Paul and I talked long into the night about how we were excited for Aidan to start kindergarten. We know he will do well. He enjoys learning new things. He strives to make us proud by making good decisions. But we are also afraid. These last 5 years went by so the blink of an eye. My fear is that once school starts, the next 13 are going to go by even faster.
"Don't Blink. You just might miss your babies growing like mine did."
-Kenny Chesney
I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Labor Day weekend. I'll be spending quality time with my wonderful little boy whom I couldn't be more proud of. I truly am the luckiest mom in town!!
Friday, August 03, 2007
What's in a Name?
Jenny: That's your name....Daddy and I chose it for you.
Aidan: Well, I wanted a different name.
Jenny: Really? Like what?
Aidan:'s too late now.
Never a dull moment around here.
How To Tell if a Car is a Dodge, or not
Aidan: Mom, what were you looking at in the mirror?
Jenny: To see if there were any cars behind us.
Aidan: Well, did you see any?
Jenny: Yes.
Aidan: What kind?
Jenny: A large, white one. (It was some sort of SUV)
Aidan: (trying to maneuver himself in his carseat to see behind us) Oh, mom, that's a Dodge Dealer.
Jenny: How do you know?
Aidan: See that Big G-M-C on the front of the car? That means it's a dodge dealer.
Hmmmm....I guess I know now.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Just a Little Longer
Since then, I have been mulling around the idea of a garage sale. I don’t mind the work of the garage sale, but my heart just can’t get rid of all of the baby stuff. We have EVERYTHING. We haven’t rid ourselves of anything baby. We still have all of the big stuff, such as a crib, a high chair, a changing table, etc. We have all of the medium stuff, such as excer-saucers and bouncy seats. We have clothes coming out of everywhere and just as many, if not more, toys. Just when I convince myself that I am just wasting space in our basement with all of this stuff and go down to sort through and begin the garage sale process, I pull out a piece of clothing or a toy from when Aidan was an infant and I just can’t do it. I look at the outfit that we brought him home from the hospital in and I just can’t imagine people rifling through the stuff in my garage.
I recently had a conversation with a co-worker regarding garage sales. She just had one and was trying to talk me out of it because it was just way to much work. The conversation suddenly turned deeper as I explained the real reason I was avoiding the garage sale. She told me that I should wait until I was ready to let go of all of the stuff before having a garage sale. I have thought a lot about this conversation and decided that I WILL wait. Eventually, I will be ready to let go of it all. The reality of the situation is that we probably won’t have any more children, but we haven’t made any permanent decisions. But for now, I will just keep the stuff in my basement. It’s been there this long, it can wait a little longer.
This morning, Aidan wanted to wear these bright blue/fluorescent green buzz light year shorts to school. I knew he had a fluorescent green shirt that would match, but since he had previously refused to wear it, we put it in the basement with all of the clothes that didn’t fit him anymore. So, I went down to the basement to drag it out. Well, of course, I had to dig through so many memories (I mean, clothes) to find the thing and it just made me sad. I looked over at Aidan who was standing eagerly over the box waiting for the fluorescent green shirt to appear and he suddenly looked so tall. I can’t believe how much he has grown. I am so proud of the little boy he has become, but it seems like just yesterday when he fit so perfectly in my hands. I eventually found an equally bright blue buzz light year shirt that matched his shorts. I didn’t search any further for the fluorescent green shirt. I shut the box, turned off the lights and headed up the stairs, content in the fact that all of the baby supplies will remain in our basement for a little while longer.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
My favorite part of summer...or is it?
Happy Birthday To Me!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
The Pre-School Graduate
So I am holding these moments as hard as I can,
Because the next time I look I'll be seeing a man...
Thursday, June 07, 2007
The Release
- They drink kool-aid (sugar water) just like him.
- They taste with their feet.
- They have 10,000 eyes each.
- They breathe through their tummy.
Friday, June 01, 2007
The most wonderful man in the world
As soon as I picked Aidan up from school he asked when Paul would be getting home. Paul and Aidan have always had a great relationship. Paul is a very hands-on dad and Aidan couldn't be happier about that. At first, I didn't think much about him asking for Paul, but when he started asking at regular intervals, I started to wonder what was going on. Aidan was excited to find out that we would be making our own pizza for dinner. This was a good distraction as he was starting to get whiny about Paul not being home. After dinner, he said that he, "wished daddy was home because he wanted to go out and toss the football." I said, "well, mommy can do that with you." Aidan was excited about the idea of teaching me how to play football. Again, I thought this was the distraction he needed. Aidan continued to ask for Paul throughout our game of catch. Finally, I said, "don't you like playing with mommy?" Aidan told me that he did like playing with me, but that he just missed his daddy. After about 40 minutes of playing football, I suggested that we go inside, take a bath and read some stories. During the bath, he again said that he missed his daddy. I asked, "what do you miss about daddy?" Aidan responded, "I miss him because he is the best daddy in the world."
After the bath, we read a little golden book. Right as we got to the last page, Paul came through the door. Aidan was thrilled. Paul took a shower and the two of them climbed into our bed to watch the basketball game. Aidan was so happy....falling asleep right next to daddy.
I guess sometimes, a boy just needs his daddy! I am so happy that Paul is so involved in Aidan's life and that Aidan treasures that relationship. I am so proud of both of them. THIS is just one reason that I am married to the most wonderful man in the world.
I love you, Paul!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
The Orioles, Cardinals & BlueJays
One of our feeders is a hummingbird feeder. I was starting to get frustrated with it because it wasn't attracting any hummingbirds. Well, guess what started feeding at our hummingbird feeder?! A Baltimore Oriole. I was so excited that I went right out and bought an oriole feeder to add to the mix. Wouldn't you know, the very next day, hummingbirds started showing up.
Those darn little hummingbirds are just to fast to capture on film!
Pauls mom bought Aidan a butterfly garden for his birthday. We sent away for the catepillars. They grew and have formed chrysalides. We are currently waiting for the butterflies to emerge. We are excited to add them to our flying friends!
I'm Baaaaack
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
5th Birthday Celebration
We left for the waterpark the day before his birthday. When he woke up he asked if he was 5 yet. We explained that he wouldn't be 5 until the following day, but we were going to start the celebration early. The next morning when we woke up at the hotel, Aidan again asked, "Mom, am I 5?" After confirming that he was 5, he got the biggest smile on his face and exclaimed, "Oh my gosh, I can't believe it!" It was so precious....I wish I would have gotten it on video. Priceless, I tell you. Priceless!
Then on Saturday, we celebrated with cake and ice cream with our parents and siblings. There were too many pictures to post, so I've created a video montage instead of posting individual pics. I hope you enjoy. We had an absolute blast!
April 14, 2007
Monday, April 09, 2007
Happy Belated Easter!
Friday, April 06, 2007
Before You Turn 5
This morning, as we were getting ready for school, the following conversation took place:
Aidan: "Mom, what is your job?"
Jenny: "Well, one of my jobs is being a mom."
Aidan: "Do you like your job?"
Jenny: "Being a mom is the best job I could ever have."
Aidan: "Why do you and daddy kiss me so much?"
Jenny: "Because we love you so much we can never get enough. Do you know that we love you?"
Aidan: "I guess" then he looks at me out of the corner of his eye and errupts in laughter. Then we break into a ticklefest.
After I dropped him off at school, I played the conversation over and over in my head. Aidan, there is something that I want you to know right now. Right this very moment. Today. Before you turn 5.
I have learned more than I ever dreamed possible from you. You are the reason I get up in the morning. You put the most smiles on my face. You make me want to be better, all the time. You influence every choice I make; everything I do. I love you to the moon, Aidan Thomas!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
In Loving Memory - Uncle Steve
I can remember having family gatherings at Uncle Steve's farm. We would BBQ, go on tractor rides, play baseball and just enjoy being a family. Paul has very fond memories of going to the farm as a child. When Paul and I were expecting Aidan, we picked out a cute overall outfit that had tractors and cows all over it, just so he could wear it on his first trip to Uncle Steve's farm.
Uncle Steve was a very simple and very happy man. What a treasure he was to our family. He will be greatly missed.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Spring has Sprung!!!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
If The Shoe Fits
When Aidan was born, I had the luxury of staying home with him for 7 ½ months. I was on disability for 6 weeks and took the remainder of the time under the Family Medical Leave Act. I was so blessed to be able to stay home for those months, but the guilt I felt when I had to return to work was almost unbearable. I felt guilty about EVERYTHING!! So much so, that I couldn’t enjoy the time I was home in the evenings because I felt like I always had to “make up” for lost time. This created stress and ultimately, more guilt. I was being consumed by the guilt.
In the beginning, I felt like I always had to defend my decision to return to work to my family, friends, peers and co-workers. I had a friend, who is a stay-at-home mom make the comment to me, “I am a single mom with a paycheck.” Her husband works long hours and is always out of town on business. When he is home, they are really leading two different lives. That truly is a main reason as to why Paul and I decided that I would work outside of the home. Right before Aidan was born, Paul had the opportunity for a job outside of the state, that paid enough where we would have been comfortable with me staying home and raising our child. However, Paul would have had to work many hours, be on call all of the time, and essentially put work first. That would mean leaving Aidan and I behind most of the time. That was not a sacrifice that we were willing to make. Paul wanted to be a hands-on dad. In addition, Paul and I didn’t want to sacrifice each other, and ultimately our marriage, either. Not only are the three of us growing as a family, but Paul and I are growing together not only as husband and wife, but as parents. When Aidan is grown and moves out into the world on his own, I want to know my husband. I don’t want to realize all of a sudden that I have to start our marriage over because Paul focused all of his energy on working so that I could focus all of my energy on raising our child. We want to share both of these experiences and responsibilities.
People, to this day, say to me, “I don’t know how working moms do it.” Just this week, I had someone say to me “I don’t know how you find time outside of work hours for anything more than dinner and getting the kids to bed.” Well, sometimes that is all we have time for in the evenings. But, it is not all of the time. It is not even the majority of the time. It takes a lot of time, energy and organization to make it work. We work together and it takes all three of us to make it happen. We have learned our steps of this dance in life together and we are a stronger family because of it. We didn’t make this decision for our family in one night. We put a lot of thought and discussion into it and I am confident in our decision. I no longer feel guilt about being a working mom because I have seen that it works for us. It took time for me to realize that this WAS the right decision for us. But the reality is, Paul and I have a wonderful marriage and Aidan is a well adjusted little boy. Really, I couldn’t ask for anything more.
Now, am I saying that if the opportunity presented itself that I wouldn't stay home and raise my child? No. Am I saying that anyone who can stay home and raise their children but chooses to go back to work is a bad person? No. Am I saying that a family who chooses for one parent to work while the other solely raises their children is a wrong decision? Definitely not. Honestly, how could I? I don’t walk in those shoes. I only walk in my shoes and I can say, without a doubt, that the shoes I am wearing fit well!! The decision that we made is right for OUR family.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
My New Scrapbook Companion
Saturday, February 10, 2007
In Loving Memory
Picture taken: 7/9/2005
January 3, 1913 - February 10, 2007
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.
Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up...
Thursday, February 01, 2007
They Might Be Giants
His mood perked, however, when we got to the gym. He was a little disappointed that he wasn't able to play basketball, but gained his excitement back when he was choosing his new gym uniform. They have a choice between sweatpants (cuffed or straightleg) or wind pants. I thought for sure Aidan would choose the sweatpants. Against Pauls better judgement, Aidan has always been a fan of them. However, once he saw that the windpants had zippered legs, the decision was made. What is it with zippered legs that make little boys go wild?! So, windpants it is!
Even though Aidan wasn't in the best of moods, I was glad that we attended last night. I learned that one of the little girls that is currently in his preschool class will also go to the same kindergarten. What a relief....although more for me than for Aidan as he could have cared less at the time. We also got a peek at some of the other children who were scoping out the school and could possibly be his future classmates. HOLY COW!! All of the kids towered over Aidan. I never thought of him as short, but last night he looked so tiny. Gulp! After wandering through the school and checking out the cafeteria, gym, computer lab, etc. I calmed my fears. I have just come to the conclusion that those other children might be giants!
Monday, January 29, 2007
Look At Them Now
Hollee & Lacee - 1996
Hollee - 2007
To Lacee & Hollee:
May the sun shine, all day long,
everything go right, and nothing wrong.
May those you love bring love back to you,
and may all the wishes you wish come true!
Crazy about Cousins
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Granola Moms....To Be or Not To Be
Television Commercial: (after rambling on about such and such side affects and who this particular drug was right for and who it wasn't) "Ask your doctor if Cymbalta is right for you."
Aidan: (in a very serious tone) "Mom, is Cymbalta right for me?"
Hmmmm, I wonder what other things he's picked up from television. Maybe those granola moms are on to something.....
Note: If you're not sure what a Granola Mom is, check out my friend, Tristas, blog.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Kindergarten Bound
This morning, however, the school called and asked if I could come in to register today. TODAY!? But, I wasn't prepared. I had all of my paperwork in order, immunization records, birth certificate, baptismal record, but I was not at all mentally prepared. I had prepared myself for the initial registration all weekend, but I was not prepared for this call and for the registration to proceed so quickly after I escaped yesterday. As I gathered my papers and headed out to the car, I thought to myself. How silly? How can you not be prepared? You were ready yesterday and it is simply registration. It is not as if he has his backpack strapped on and is walking out to the bus stop.
As I turned onto the street with the school, the big yellow bus was parked out front. As the bus got larger, my heart sank deeper. Ughhhh, I did not want to do this. I did not want Aidan to turn 5 so soon. I did not want him to go to kindergarten all ready. I did not want to admit that my baby is growing up. I was buzzed into the school and I opened the front door. The SMELL overtook me. It was THAT smell....that SAME smell that made me sick to my stomach for the first month of high school. There is something about schools that do me in, and this was no different.
I turned the corner and the principal was there to greet me. She was smiling and knew exactly who I was. (She should. She was expecting me, right?) She ran through EVERTYTHING with me. She answered almost all of my questions before I had a chance to ask them and was patient as I muddled through the remaining few that I had. She took me down to the kindergarten room to see their new gym uniforms. Apparently, today is gym day and she was really excited about the new uniforms. She gave me a schedule that would take me through the summer to the first day of school....when I will recieve a supply list, when I will receive uniform information, when I will receive whatever else it is that I am supposed to receive prior to the first day of school. She explained kindergarten round-up and how the first week of school would go. She was so confident about everything and made everything seem like it was under control. This woman must know me. She must know that she had to say everything I wanted to hear or I was going to lose my mind. Huh, you would think she has done this before?
So, here we are....the middle of January, not even 5 yet and already ready for kindergarten. I am happiest when I have all of my ducks in a row. I'm happy that all of the paperwork is submitted for registration. I'm happy that the confidence in the school we chose was confirmed today. I'm happy that we are not on a waiting list for kindergarten. I'm happy that everything is set in motion for the fall.
Hmmmm, how come I don't feel so happy then?
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
The Burning Question
Well, after about 5 minutes after the mask application, my eyes were watering, skin was burning and I ran to the bathroom sink to wash it off. Everything looked fine. The next morning, as I washed my face I noticed little bumps everywhere on my face....and I mean everywhere! I couldn't see the bumps so I figured my skin was just going through a shock from the mask (and silently vowed never to use that mask product again.) A day or so later, the bumps didn't clear up and I thought it was acne. I had heard of adult onset acne, so I thought I would try to catch it early and lower the blow. So I borrowed a friends product (a television advertised product for acne). After one use, I thought my face was going to fall off. It was bright red, burning and itching. Paul said, "That is not acne, there is something wrong." and I panicked.
I ended up in the doctors office with all of the products that I used, so the doctor could see all of the ingredients involved. As soon as the doctor walked in, she asked, "what have you gotten into?". As she looked through my bag of product she just shook her head and said that I shouldn't be using any of those products....especially the Television advertised product. She told me that I have a chemical burn on my face. She banned all of my products, including my original face wash. I am applying hydrocortisone twice daily to treat the burn.
Will I ever get my skin back....that is the question?!?
Friday, January 05, 2007
Friday Fun
Aidan was thrilled because, to him, it was like a mini-party. We let him leave the TV on during dinner and we kind of just ate off of the serving plates. We didn't have out traditional table setting.
Towards the end of "dinner," Aidan grabbed the last pig-in-a-blanket and, with a very devilish look said, "hmmm, who should I give this too?" and proceed with a game of Eenie Meenie Miney Mo. is Aidan's version:
Eenie-Meenie, Miney Mo. Catch A Tiny, Tiny Toe.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
The New Year
Toast to 2007:
May you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings, slow to make enemies, quick to make friends. But rich or poor, quick or slow, may you know nothing but happiness from this day forward.